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Resources for your Organization

Welcome to Filene!

We're so glad you're part of Filene's community of growing, innovation-minded credit unions dedicated to thinking forward and changing lives! Here are some ways for you to take advantage of your exclusive access to unbiased research and innovation, talent development resources, and tools to put ideas into action.

How to Use Filene

There are so many ways to benefit from your Filene membership!

Here are a few ideas to get started immediately:

  • Do you have an employee intranet with learning and development resources? Be sure to add! See the next tab on how to show staff how to create their free Filene account for access to our more than 550 research reports, guides, toolkits and other 'member-only' resources!
  • Do you have new employee onboarding resources? Include instructions for new employees to start learning about issues most important to the credit union industry by creating their free Filene account to gain access to our entire research library. See next tab for account creation instructions!
  • Do you encourage employees to pursue individual professional development? Have employees put aside time each week to learn something new relevant to their work from Filene's research topics and share one key insight with team members to maximize learning!
  • Are you having any technical difficulties creating accounts, accessing content or receiving Filene emails? View this page for "how to tech with Filene!"
  • Visit other tabs on this page for opportunities for your organization, your talent and your People team.

Share Filene With Your Org

Use this language to help spread the word of your Filene Membership with every employee at your organization.

Attention all team members:

Great news! Our credit union is a Member of the Filene Research Institute.

Filene is known as the think tank of the credit union industry and conducts research to address our industry's top challenges. They provide focused research on data analytics, DE&I, emerging technology, community impact, innovation and consumer financial lives. You now have access to all of these insights.

One major benefit of our membership with Filene is that every team member of our organization can create their own unique and free account giving you unlimited access to over thirty-years of research reports, guides, and tools.

Please use your work email to create a Filene account today.

Once you create and activate your account, you will receive an onboarding email with an overview of Filene’s resources.

If you have already created your account but forgot your password, click here for password resets or email Filene's support team at [email protected] for additional assistance.

Set up your free account today, download a research report and share out with your team on what you learned!

Opportunities for Talent

Strengthen your organization through events and communities designed for leaders and young professionals.

Events and Webinars
Filene brings together the best and brightest to dive deep into issues vital to the future of consumer finance. Thanks to your organization's Filene Membership, your team can take advantage of free learning opportunities from experts both inside and outside the credit union industry, credit union panels and latest research insights through our monthly webinars and research events. Webinars are open to all Member levels. Research events are open to Innovator and above Membership level.

Emerging Professionals: The Cooperative Trust
For those innovators early in their careers, The Cooperative Trust is an exciting place to be. Filene Members at Innovator and above Membership levels can recognize and reward their rising talent by giving them access to a network of other passionate and dedicated credit union leaders and a unique development opportunity through Filene's Crash program.

Emerging Professionals: Crash Course
A 10-month virtual yet immersive experience where Crashers and emerging leaders will learn about Filene's cutting-edge research, glean insights from Filene's Research Fellows, Inner Circle, and i3 communities, and build their networks. Participants will collaborate with other like-minded innovators to gain a holistic perspective on credit unions and how our industry can continue to serve members into the 21st century and beyond.

Leadership Development: i3
Through a cohort-based program, participants in Filene's renowned i3 program work in cross-functional teams to explore and address many of credit unions' most pressing challenges, building their innovation mindset and leading change for the industry. Filene Members at Innovator and above Membership levels have an opportunity to participate in this two-year innovation leadership program. Applications for the next cohort open October 2024.

Your Resources

We have focused resources and ideas for you and your People team.

Center of Excellence for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Led by Filene Fellow, Dr. Quinetta Roberson, the Center for DE&I is tackling challenges in access to both talent and products in the financial services industry through applied research on diversity, equity and inclusion practices in credit unions and leveraging those insights as a model for the larger financial services sector.

Resources you'll find in this Center of Excellence:

Center of Excellence for the War for Talent
Led by Filene Fellow Dr. Sekou Bermiss, the Center for War for Talent connects credit unions to solutions for attracting, developing, and promoting top performers, from the front line to the board table.

Resources you'll find in this Center of Excellence:

Filene Tools
Accompanying Filene's research reports are often actionable resources to help you put the ideas and insights into meaningful action at your organization. Review this list for:

  • checklists, case studies, calculators, implementation guides, infographics, online learning modules, roadmaps, workshops, toolkits and more!

Quarterly Action Plan
Encourage your employees to pursue individual professional development by exploring Filene's Quarterly Action Plans. Through these plans your team can dive into upcoming research, join conversations on the hottest topics facing the industry and learn more about connecting with industry leaders at Filene events.

Filene's Quarterly Action Plans include:

  • Upcoming events and webinars
  • Recently published research
  • Upcoming research report topics