Chairman's Breakfast
There's no better way to kick off GAC than with a brain-nourishing breakfast with 350+ of our closest credit union friends to give exciting updates on our work and acknowledge our members' generous support.
Visa's Doug Leighton shows off his new Filene kicks next to Filene Fellow for the Center of Excellence for the War for Talent, Dr. Sekou Bermiss. (Don't worry, we have a pair for Sekou!) During the breakfast, we announced Visa's immense commitment to building the next generation of credit union leaders through a number of initiatives including funding the research center with $1 million over the next 4 years.
Oliver Jenkyn of Visa shares why he loves credit unions ("Everyone is so nice!") and Visa's support of the industry.
Filene Board Chair Maurice Smith introduces a video in which he gets animated and inspired to get to work on serving his credit union's members. His advice: #DontHitSnooze!
Keynote speaker Dannagal G. Young, Professor at the University of Delaware, explores how Democracy thrives in an environment where the Internet and social media empower citizens, audiences, and consumers to produce and distribute content and talk back to political and cultural elites, while also having the potential to make up information and spread false statements.
Wegner Awards Dinner
This year's class of Crashers
Maurice and Steve
Tansley and Mark
Mark and George
We were so honored and humbled this year as The Cooperative Trust won the Outstand Program Award. James Marshall and Brent Dixon accept on behalf of the community of thousands of passionate, dedicated and curious credit union young professionals who have been doing outstanding things for nearly a decade with The Cooperative Trust.
Speeches...we laughed, we cried, we laughed again.
George with the amazing Annamaria Lusardi, champion of financial literacy and friend of Filene.
And with that, it's a wrap!
Want to see even more photos? Check out our GAC photo album over on Facebook!