How can credit unions build stronger communities to impact America's housing crisis?
Housing Well-Being Matters: Credit Unions Can Be Catalysts for Building Stronger Communities
Credit unions have demonstrated their support in addressing the housing concerns in the communities they serve. Understanding the challenges faced by members at the local level as well as identifying local organizations at the forefront of addressing the chronic housing needs of residents along the housing continuum represent two key factors to effective, long-term involvement in improving the housing situation. To further explore this critical issue, we invite you to check out "America's Housing Journey: A Storymap on Credit Union Engagement with the Housing Crisis," to learn more about how the power of CU members' housing stories can inspire positive change within the communities you serve.
Five Lessons for Creating a Housing Impact Fund
One solution for credit unions to improve access to affordable housing in their communities is through development of housing impact funds. These solutions are emerging as a vital source of capital to fund the construction and preservation of affordable housing. However, all funds are not created equal. As your institution explores fostering affordable housing solutions, check out our list of five key lessons for successfully creating a housing impact fund to help guide your credit union towards making a lasting impact.