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Report #375 | | Members | Sign In

Game Changers: A Research Symposium

Even the most proactive leaders may struggle with forecasting trends that pose challenges for the entire credit union system. In this report we investigate the unknown challenges that are potential game changers and discuss solutions that can be effective in the months ahead.

Executive Summary 

With the day-to-day swirl of year-to-year goals, bank competition, and interest rate worries to sort through, it can be challenging to learn about the big-picture unknowns that could have just as big an impact on your credit union.

With this thought in mind, the Filene Research Institute and Credit Union Central of Canada recently convened a one-day symposium to discuss issues that are migrating to the top of credit unions’ “time to think about this” list: collaborative consumption, big data, things we can learn from retail, and radical lending platforms. And importantly, an overview of regulatory challenges and how being “different on purpose” is serving the system.
