Generating Organizational Buy-In to Practice Diversity & Inclusion
Kenia Calderón Cerón, Client Relations Director at Coopera Consulting leads this presentation on how to generate organizational buy-in across your organization to practice diversity and inclusion.
Refer to page 5 of your User Guide.

Online Learning Content Presentation: Generating Organizational Buy-In to Practice Diversity & Inclusion
This presentation walks through how to evaluate the makeup and needs of your market, how to build buy-in at the Board, management, employee and member levels, and how to create an inclusive environment from the inside out.

Develop the Right Organizational Mentality to Serve the Hispanic Market Action Guide
Coopera and the Credit Union National Association provide a proven step-by-step process you can follow to achieve the right organizational mentality at your credit union.

Cultural Score Assessment
Use this score card with your team to measure the current stage your organization is at in embracing culture.

ITIN Lending Implementation Guide
Download the free, research-based implementation guide to help your financial institution implement an ITIN Lending program.
Our Partners

This ITIN online learning content would not be possible without the involvement and expertise of Coopera Consulting.
Filene would also like to thank Visa for its financial support and ongoing leadership on financial inclusion that has made the Reaching Minority Households project and its series of reports and ITIN Lending resources possible.