In 2019, Filene Research Institute partnered with Visa, Coopera, Inclusiv, and ViClarity to provide a series of in-person workshops across the United States on how to implement Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) Lending. The aim of these workshops was to inspire financial institutions to implement ITIN Lending by providing actionable information and support. We have captured some of the key learnings from these workshops in this online learning site to help your financial institution implement or expand your ITIN lending offerings.
Step 1:
Download the ITIN Lending Online Learning User Guide to help navigate these resources.
Step 2:
Click a learning module below and empower financially vulnerable populations through ITIN lending.
The Opportunity for Financial Inclusion
See how mission and margin can come together to make a strong business case for ITIN Lending.
If you’re looking to understand the benefit of offering programs to meet the needs of financially vulnerable populations, start here.

Generating Organizational Buy-In to Practice Diversity & Inclusion
Learn best practices to cultivate internal buy-in with your organization’s board, leadership team, and staff for ITIN Lending.
If you need to enable others in your organization to understand the benefit of offering ITIN Lending to the community, start here.

Risk, Regulation and Compliance for ITIN Lending
Review the essential risk, regulation, and compliance considerations related to ITIN Lending.
If you’re in Lending, Policy or Compliance, start here.

Connecting with Your Community
Understand inclusive marketing practices, how to build meaningful community partnerships, and avoid common mistakes in developing inclusive communication strategies.
If you’re in Marketing, Human Resources, Community Engagement, or are interested in how to meaningfully engage your internal and external stakeholders, start here.

Our Partner
Filene would like to thank Visa for its financial support and ongoing leadership on financial inclusion that has made the Reaching Minority Households project and its series of reports and ITIN Lending resources possible.