Filene Research Institute is going to be in Albany, NY offering a free seminar hosted by SEFCU called, “The Member Journey” on March 22nd, and we hope that you can join us. The details including the registration link can be found below.
2:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Local Host: SEFCU
Filene Host: Cynthia Campbell
Click the arrow below to REGISTER for this event:
Credit unions exist in a highly competitive marketplace, in order to create the experience that will retain current members, grow share of wallet and attract new members, credit unions must understand not only what their members are experiencing today, but what they want and need from their financial institution tomorrow. We must hear their voices. Making it easier to do business with your credit union just may be the main driver of member loyalty. In 2010 the Harvard Business Review, published research linking low customer effort to high customer loyalty. Researchers asked this single question: “How much effort did you personally have to put forth to handle your request?” They found a high correlation between low customer effort and loyalty. Filene Research Institute has benchmarked credit union member effort in four areas (consumer loans, new account opening, mortgage lending, and problem resolution) and has been helping credit unions apply what we have learned from the research. In this session, Cynthia Campbell, Director of Impact at Filene Research Institute, will help your credit union consider the journey your members take and how you might improve it – increasing not only member satisfaction but member loyalty as well, because the future of your brand is rooted in the member experience.