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Webinar: So You Want to Talk About…Overdraft Protection Program Credit Union Panel

In the context of shifting consumer sentiment, new regulatory scrutiny, and market forces, the time is ripe for credit unions to revisit their overdraft protection programs and begin to identify member-friendly updates while maintaining or growing noninterest income.

Hosted on February 17, 2022, "So you want to talk about… Overdraft Protection Program Credit Union Panel" shared insights into how credit unions can adjust.

  • Patty Campbell President + CEO at Christian Financial Credit Union
  • Jay Champion President/CEO at Westerra Credit Union
  • Paul Kundert President/CEO at University of Wisconsin Credit Union
  • Mike Schenk Deputy Chief Advocacy Officer for Policy Analysis & Chief Economist at America's Credit Unions
  • Harry Zhu Chief Lending Officer at Alliant Credit Union

Five credit union leaders joined Filene's Senior Director of Research, Taylor C. Nelms, to describe their experiences and perspectives on the opportunity at hand. Review the webinar materials below. 

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