Huggy kicked off the day with two bright Ph.D. candidates to discuss how knowledge management can help improve credit union performance. In addition to the presentation, you can contact Andrew Downin to learn how your credit union can participate in a study to better understand knowledge sharing in credit unions.

Next up, Darren Brabham, a communications scholar from the University of Southern California introduced a framework for crowdsourcing and how credit unions might leverage this new "tool" for their benefit.

Renaissance man Bruce Cahan followed with a wide ranging presentation positioning credit unions as the manifestation of compassionate money, which resulted in a hearty discussion about credit unions' future mission. We talked about the possibility of credit unions being "sanctuary banks" for the underserved, if that gives you a sense of the discussions.

Switching gears from the theoretical, we invited three accomplished CEOs, Joan Opp, Stanford Federal Credit Union; David Mooney, Alliant Credit Union and Gerry Agnes, Elevations Credit Union to bring these ideas into focus and practice.
Finally, we concluded with Michael Higgins who presented a concept for information sharing that he uses with dozens of banks and credit unions which may hold the key to better organizational performance.

Each year Filene hosts 5 research colloquia in conjunction with our research centers. Based on this and upcoming meetings, we know you and your team will greatly benefit from these highly relevant, interactive and focused discussions.
Finally, a super special thanks to donors Fiserv, Alliant Credit Union and Christian Financial Credit Union. Without their support, our work this week would not be possible.
I hope to see you at an event later this year!
Let me know if you have feedback on this event.