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Saying farewell to 2019 and a dear friend

R. C. "Dick" Robertson
1929 - 2019

In the spirit of celebration and a life well lived I wanted to share with you that Filene’s founding chair of the board, RC Dick Robertson died on Tuesday, December 17th at the age of 90. RC was born on the eve of the Great Depression, October 29th, 1929.

Whether it was the date of his birth that inspired him, he dedicated his life to the service and growth of credit unions. He led One Arizona Credit Union for over forty-years. During his tenure as CEO he was one of the few modern day pioneers to serve as the chair of the board of CUNA Mutual Group, Credit Union National Association, World Council of Credit Unions, US Central, Arizona State League, Filene Research Institute (for over 10 years) and multiple other organizations. 

He was a catalyst for modernizing credit union laws at the State and Federal levels, and was a champion for the creation of several organizations that leveraged the cooperative spirit to scale the credit union model from the 50’s through the 90’s. He was inducted into the Cooperative Hall of Fame in 1998.

"Some say credit unions are a dollars and cents business. I say if we do what we're supposed to do here – serve the members, the bottom line will take care of itself."
RC Robertson

Cheers to the family of RC – because of him credit unions, their members and communities are better.

You can find his obituary here.