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i3 Concept |

Sustainable COOP Fund

  • Andrew Spirrison Vice President Of Retail Delivery at FORUM Credit Union
  • Brad Barnes Vice President and Chief Financial Officer at Air Academy Federal Credit Union
  • Douglas Ebner Vice President, Strategy & Innovation at SASCU


Over 90% of members don’t know the difference between banks and credit unions. Credit unions have always enjoyed the luxury of knowing, or at least believing, they are special.  They are nonprofit institutions dedicated to their members; seemingly an obvious and startling difference from traditional banks. 


The Sustainable Cooperative Fund will help build and expand cooperatives selected by our members.  

Test Results:

The newly created Sustainable Coop Fund website was the focal point of the project prototype Specifically noted was the ability for the website to effectively act as repository for participating Credit Unions to report areas they invest their time, dollars, and outreach efforts in the communities they serve.

Due to development timeline and budget limitations, testing was targeted toward the following key functions of the website: participant registration process, contribution entry portal, geographic credit union heat map spanning the United States and Canada, and aggregation of data entered. Additional features of the website included; project categorization, the voting process, project fund accumulation, and recipient allocation. These features were all present and articulated, but not fully operational during the time of testing.