How might we as credit unions proactively assist young adults make better financial decisions?
Cadence, a new, easy-to-use account app that encourages members to save and make smarter spending decisions in a fun and engaging way. Cadence automatically establishes a budget for the member, gives cash rewards for meeting savings goals and allows members to earn points in a variety of ways to increase their cash rewards level.
Testing Results:
Of the 102 people surveyed, 61% of them had either no savings at all or just some savings. For us, this validated the need for the automatic savings feature in Cadence especially since 91% of respondents felt that Cadence would increase one’s savings habits.
Many people gave feedback on how we could improve Cadence which a few are included below. These would potentially be included in a future release based on feedback we collect on it.
- Giving extra rewards for saving for down payment of a house or reducing student loan debt.
- Linking from an existing credit union mobile app
- Making a way to put your Cadence points or cash back into an investment account