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Rachel Langtry

CEO at Credit Union 1 Alaska

Rachel Langtry’s credit union career began as a clerk in a windowless square vault pulling files and credit reports. As many know in the credit union industry, it’s easy to fall in love and that she did. From file clerk, she progressed through the ranks to Teller, Member Services Representative, Internal Audit Clerk, Credit Card Clerk and Marketing Associate.  Fast forward nearly 20 years to her current position as the Vice President of Marketing and Communications for Credit Union 1 where she’s been employed since 2005. The perfect blend of technical thought and creativity, the marketing and communications field is where she found her professional passion. She has a Bachelor of Science in Business Marketing and is a voracious learner of all things industry related.

Rachel was born and raised in Washington State and has lived in Anchorage, Alaska since 1999. Her love of the wild landscape Alaska has to offer is a force of her professional creativity. She still “bleeds blue” for the Seattle, Seahawks but has found her true professional and personal home in the last frontier of Alaska.