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Mark Meyer

President + CEO at Filene Research Institute

Mark turns big research questions into relevant key findings and big ideas into products for a changing world as one of North America’s top cooperative finance thinkers. His critical thinking shows through in his approaches to innovation and research on consumer behavior.

As CEO of Filene, he leads a team of brilliant thinkers, who deliver research and innovation to inspire people to understand the opportunities for cooperative finance to transform communities and lives.

An internationally recognized consumer finance expert published in dozens of publications, Mark has lectured to audiences up to 4,000 in locations across Asia, Australia, Europe, North Africa, and North America. He has advised the US Department of the Treasury and lectured in a variety of academic settings, including Harvard Business School.

Mark is an attorney licensed to practice law in Colorado and Arizona, formerly of the firm of Montgomery, Little & McGrew. He also held executive posts with Arizona State Credit Union and CUNA Mutual Group. He served on the board of directors for Summit Credit Union, the largest credit union in Wisconsin, for ten years.

“The greatest mistake that we can make, however, is to assume that principles which once were true remain true forever.” 
- Edward A. Filene, December 9, 1936

The latest from Mark

  • Blog |

    Cheers to 35 Years of Research and Innovation for Credit Unions!

    Celebrating 35 years is a testament to the strength and collective spirit of our members and the dedication and passion of our team. It’s been a rewarding and remarkable journey to see just how far credit unions have come. But looking forward, there’s so much more we can do. Let’s embrace this milestone as a launchpad for innovation, as we set our sights on shaping the future of credit unions for the next 35+ years.
  • Blog |

    Congratulations to i3 Wave 16/17!

    Wave 16 and 17 of Filene's i3 program graduated on May 1, 2023. Filene CEO Mark Meyer and i3 Leaders Christie Kimbell and Megan Freshour shared their reflections of the cohort’s hard work and congratulations to this amazing group of credit union innovators and leaders. We then got a chance to hear from each graduates on their biggest insights from their i3 experience.